Saturday, June 12, 2004

Calculate Birthdate from Age at Death

Formula 8870
Example: DIED April 8, 1885 AGE 73 years, 7 months, 12 days

Put the death date as: 1885 - 04 (APR) - 08
So, begin with 18850408 (from 1885 04 08)
subtract 730712 (AGE of 73y 7m 12d - 73 07 12)
Result: 18119696
From the result, subtract formula: 8870
Final answer: 1810826, or a birthdate of 1810 Aug 26

- 730712
  -   8870
1810826 --> 26 Aug 1810 birthdate

This works 99% of the time; for a full explanation of the "Formula 8870" see the March 1976 issue of The Genealogical Helper, pg 80, 81.

Thanks to Brenda L. Hummer for posting this information on the RAOGK-L.

The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. - Franklin P. Jones

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