Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Graphics Sites for Website Building

Fonts: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2007/11/08/40-excellent-freefonts-for-professional-design/

Clip Art

Clip art of civilizations, cultures and eras: http://webclipart.about.com/od/civilizations/

Pennsylvania Department Clip Art: http://www.einpgh.org/clp/exhibit/pahomex5.html

Graphic Maps clipart and maps: http://www.graphicmaps.com/custmaps.htm

Clip Art and Banners: http://geneasearch.com/st7.htm

J.O.D's Old Fashioned Black and White Clip Art Collection: http://www.oldfashionedclipart.com/clip.htm or http://www.users.fl.net.au/~joanod/clip.htm

ImageMagick Studio: http://www.imagemagick.org/MagickStudio/scripts/MagickStudio.cgi/
   Resize, rotate, sharpen, color reduce, paint on or add special effects to your image and save the completed work in the same or differing image format on the web.

Digital Blasphemy 3D Wallpaper: http://www.digitalblasphemy.com/dbhome.shtml


VisiBone Webmaster's Color Lab: http://www.visibone.com/colorlab/

Web Safe Colors Chart: http://seurat.art.udel.edu/Site/InfoDocs/WebColor/WebColors.html

HTML Tutorial - 216 web safe colors: http://www.pagetutor.com/pagetutor/makapage/picker/index.html

Clickable RGB "Safe Colors":

We belong someplace. The day we are given a name we are also given a place which no one but us can fill. - Maya Angelou

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